A Heart,
Was a CAge.
One day,
she hold a key,
come infront of his cage,
open the lock and walk in.
The cage was lock,
the key was dissapear,
she tie herself with a red line,
she stay in his cage,
the cage was hers.
pass through a few sweet moment,
suddenly she cut the red line..
break through the cage,
the cage broken..
the reason..
she cover herself..
Now days the cage was recovered..
the door of cage was slowly closing..
she stand between the cage one step..
but she was watching the door closing..
when the door closed,
its will lock by a new lock,
the key will find it's new owner..
he say:remember what i told you?
'my cage is yours,take care of my cage'..
the time will become shorter and shorter..
u make the choice,
if the door loocked..
i will keep the broken pieces of the lock as our mamory(he give her a smile)=]
chance is yours
you still got one step
but you afraid to step the one step,
after the lock locked..
think by yourself
you will lost somethings..
..you will get somethings?
1.who agree the girl walk a step?why?
2.who disagree the girl walk a step?why?
1 comment:
if the gal still loves the guy, yes, she should take this step..
but if she doesn't love the guy anymore, no, she should not take this step..
will she lose anything? yes, she shall lose a precious friendship..
will she get anything? yes, she shall get to breakthrough her feeling to this guy..
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